At brevity we are co-creators of the
implementation methodology of the
Total Value Model developed by Solo-
relatio. We understand Total Value
as a new way of managing organiza-
tions and understanding their success,
adding economic value to relational
value and multiplying both by the
capacity to adapt. A tool that helps
develop competencies and skills to
adapt to the environment and gene-
rate sustainable value.
We Create Total Value
Total Value Management:

This passion for development led
me to found brevity, a space for
the design and implementation of
development and learning pro-
grams that support individuals and
organizations in creating the best
version of themselves, setting up
spaces for relationships, collabora-
tion, and cooperation where each
professional can offer their best
and feel proud to belong.
Hello! I am
Rubén Ballesteros,
founder and director
of brevity

Total Value Management:
We Create Total Value
At brevity we are co-creators of the implementation methodology of the
Total Value Model developed by Solorelatio. We understand Total Value
as a new way of managing organizations and understanding their success,
adding economic value to relational value and multiplying both by the
capacity for adaptation. A tool that helps develop competencies and skills
to adapt to the environment and generate sustainable value.
Our proposal
Your success begins with the development of your skills
Through our own methodologies and
proven models, we offer interventions
tailored to the context and needs of
each client so that you can develop the
skills you need for your personal and pro-
fessional improvement, contributing to the
success of your organization and preparing
you for the challenges of the future.
We work in network with the best experts
in different areas and we are totally trans-
parent in everything we offer. We make it
easy and accessible for all participants and,
moreover, we make it useful and applicable
from the very first moment, because when it
comes to developing your skills and improving
your organization, there is no time to waste.

Hello! I am Rubén Ballesteros,
founder and director of brevity
For more than 15 years at Microsoft, I have had the opportunity to
lead numerous projects, teams and companies around the world
to achieve their business goals. I am passionate about people's abi-
lity to adapt and change, improving their contexts, and also about
the possibility of creating environments and organizations to which
people want to belong.
This passion for development led me to found brevity, a space for
the design and implementation of development and learning pro-
grams that support individuals and organizations in creating the best
version of themselves, setting up spaces for relationships, collabora-
tion, and cooperation where each professional can offer their best
and feel proud to belong.
Our proposal
Your success begins with
the development of your skills
Through our own methodologies and
proven models, we offer interventions
tailored to the context and needs of
each client so that you can develop the
skills you need for your personal and
professional improvement, contributing
to the success of your organization
and preparing you for the challenges of
the future.
We work in network with the best ex-
perts in different areas and we are to-
tally transparent in everything we of-
fer. We make it easy and accessible
for all participants and, moreover, we
make it useful and applicable from the
very first moment, because when it co-
mes to developing your skills and im-
proving your organization, there is no
time to waste.